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Ghias Squash Court :

The CCP Class of 1964-1969 visited the college for the first reunion in September 2001. During this visit, the class made a commitment to donate a world class squash court to Cadet College Petaro.

The project was built at a cost of approximately Rs. 3.7 million. The major donor was Ghiasuddin Sidiqi, kit no. 964/Qasim House, who expired of a heart attack a few months before the project was completed. His batchmates decided to name the squash court after him. The facility was completed and inaugurated in March 2004. The facility was inaugurated by Prof. A.A. Faruqui and Prof. Abdullah Khadim Hussain who were two of the first five teachers of teh college at the time of its inception in 1957.

The complex comprises of an airconditioned facility with wooden floor, glass walls, a 150-seat stadium for spectators, and 2 suites for residence of visiting teams.




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